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Snacks When Hiking: Fuel Your Adventure with These Portable & Nutritious Options

When it comes to hiking, snacks are an important consideration. Not only do they provide energy and sustenance, but they can also be a source of enjoyment and comfort on the trail. Choosing the right snacks for hiking can be a challenge, however, as they need to be lightweight, easy to pack, and able to withstand varying temperatures and climates.

When selecting snacks for hiking, it’s important to consider a few key factors. First and foremost, they should be high in energy and nutrients to keep you fueled throughout your hike. They should also be easy to pack and carry, as well as resistant to heat, cold, and moisture. Additionally, it’s important to choose snacks that you enjoy and that will provide a sense of comfort and satisfaction on the trail.

Key Takeaways

  • Choosing the right snacks for hiking is essential for energy and enjoyment on the trail.
  • Hiking snacks should be high in energy and nutrients, easy to pack, and resistant to varying temperatures and climates.
  • It’s important to choose snacks that you enjoy and that will provide a sense of comfort and satisfaction on the trail.

Snacks When Hiking

When going on a hike, it’s important to pack snacks that will provide you with the energy you need to keep going. Here are some of my favorite snacks to bring on a hike:

Trail Mix

Trail mix is a classic hiking snack for a reason. It’s easy to pack, doesn’t take up much space, and provides a good mix of protein, carbs, and healthy fats. I like to make my own trail mix with a mix of nuts, seeds, and dried fruit. You can also buy pre-made trail mix at the store if you’re short on time.

trail mix hiking

Nut Butter and Crackers

Nut butter is a great source of energy and can be paired with crackers for a satisfying snack. Look for nut butter that doesn’t have added sugars or oils. I like to bring individual packets of almond butter on my hikes for a quick and easy snack.

nut butter crackers hiking

Beef Jerky

Beef jerky is another classic hiking snack. It’s high in protein and doesn’t take up much space in your pack. Look for beef jerky that doesn’t have added sugars or preservatives. You can also make your own beef jerky at home if you have a dehydrator.

beef jerky hiking

Energy Bars

Energy bars are a convenient option for hiking snacks. Look for bars that are high in protein and low in added sugars. I like to bring a variety of energy bars on my hikes so I don’t get bored with one brand. Some of my favorites include Clif Bars and Kind Bars.

energy bars hiking

Fresh Fruit

Fresh fruit is a refreshing snack to bring on a hike. Apples, bananas, and oranges are all easy to pack and provide a good source of carbs. Just be sure to pack out any fruit peels or cores to leave no trace.

fresh fruit hiking

These are just a few of my favorite snacks to bring on a hike. It’s important to listen to your body and pack snacks that will provide you with the energy you need to keep going.

What To Look For In A Hiking Snack

When it comes to hiking snacks, there are a few key things I always look for. These include energy, portability, durability, and taste. Let’s dive into each of these sub-sections.


Hiking requires a lot of energy, so it’s important to choose snacks that will give you the fuel you need to keep going. Look for snacks that are high in protein and complex carbohydrates, which will provide sustained energy. Avoid snacks that are high in sugar, as they can lead to a sugar crash and leave you feeling sluggish.

energy hiking


When you’re hiking, you need snacks that are easy to carry with you. Look for snacks that are lightweight and compact, and that won’t take up too much space in your backpack. Consider snacks that come in individual packages, as they are easy to grab and go.

portability snack hiking


Hiking can be tough on snacks, so it’s important to choose ones that can withstand the rigors of the trail. Look for snacks that won’t crumble or break easily, and that won’t melt or spoil in the heat. Consider snacks that come in resealable packages, as they will stay fresh longer.

durability snack hiking


Finally, it’s important to choose snacks that you actually enjoy eating. Look for snacks that are flavorful and satisfying, and that will provide a little boost of morale when you’re feeling tired or discouraged. Consider bringing a mix of sweet and savory snacks, so you have a variety of flavors to choose from.

snack taste hiking

By keeping these four factors in mind, you can choose hiking snacks that will keep you energized, satisfied, and ready to tackle whatever the trail throws your way.

Popular Hiking Snacks

When it comes to hiking, having the right snacks can make all the difference. You want something that is lightweight, easy to pack, and will give you the energy you need to tackle those trails. Here are some popular hiking snacks that I always bring with me on my hikes.

Energy Bars

Energy bars are a great option for hiking because they are compact and provide a lot of energy. Look for bars that are high in protein and low in sugar. My personal favorites are Clif Bars and Larabars. They come in a variety of flavors and are made with simple, natural ingredients.

Trail Mix

Trail mix is a classic hiking snack for a reason. It’s easy to pack and provides a good mix of protein, carbs, and healthy fats. You can make your own trail mix by combining nuts, seeds, dried fruit, and chocolate chips. Or, you can buy pre-made trail mix at the store. Just be sure to check the ingredients and avoid any that are high in sugar or artificial additives.


Fresh fruit is a refreshing and healthy hiking snack. Apples, oranges, and bananas are all great options because they are easy to pack and don’t require any prep work. Plus, they provide natural sugars that will give you a quick energy boost. Just be sure to pack them in a sturdy container so they don’t get squished in your backpack.


Vegetables might not be the first thing that comes to mind when you think of hiking snacks, but they can be a great option. Carrots, celery, and snap peas are all easy to pack and provide a satisfying crunch. You can also bring along some hummus or nut butter for dipping.


Jerky is a high-protein snack that is perfect for hiking. Look for jerky that is made with high-quality meat and minimal additives. Beef jerky is a classic option, but you can also find jerky made from turkey, chicken, and even salmon. Just be sure to watch your sodium intake, as some types of jerky can be quite salty.

Overall, the key to choosing the right hiking snacks is to look for options that are high in protein, low in sugar, and easy to pack. With these snacks in your backpack, you’ll have the energy you need to tackle even the toughest trails.

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Tips For Choosing Hiking Snacks

When it comes to hiking, choosing the right snacks can make all the difference. Here are a few tips to help you choose the best snacks for your next hike.

Consider The Length And Difficulty

The length and difficulty of your hike will determine how much food you need to bring and what types of snacks are best. For shorter hikes, you may only need a few snacks to keep you going. For longer hikes, you’ll need more food to keep your energy levels up. If you’re doing a strenuous hike, you’ll want snacks that provide quick energy, like fruit or energy bars.

energy bars for hiking

Pack A Variety

It’s important to pack a variety of snacks to keep things interesting and to ensure you’re getting all the nutrients you need. Mix things up with sweet and savory snacks, and include a mix of protein, carbs, and healthy fats. Some good options include trail mix, jerky, cheese, and fresh fruit.

Try New Snacks

Don’t be afraid to try new snacks on your hikes. You may discover a new favorite that you wouldn’t have otherwise tried. Just be sure to try new snacks before your hike to make sure they sit well with your stomach.

Easy To Eat

Choose snacks that are easy to eat on the go. Avoid snacks that require utensils or that are messy to eat. Opt for snacks that are pre-packaged or that can be easily portioned out, like nuts or dried fruit.

Weather Appropriate Snacks

Finally, consider the weather when choosing your snacks. In hot weather, you’ll want snacks that won’t melt or spoil easily, like nuts, dried fruit, and energy bars. In colder weather, you may want to bring warmer snacks like hot chocolate or soup.

sun hiking melt food

By following these tips, you can choose the best snacks for your next hiking adventure.

Packing Snacks For Different Climates

When packing snacks for a hike, it’s important to consider the climate you’ll be hiking in. Different climates may require different types of snacks to keep you energized and hydrated. Here are some tips for packing snacks for different climates:

Hot and Humid Climates

In hot and humid climates, it’s important to stay hydrated and replenish electrolytes lost through sweat. Pack snacks that are high in water content, such as watermelon, cucumber, and oranges. You can also pack electrolyte-rich snacks such as coconut water, sports drinks, and electrolyte tablets. Avoid snacks that are high in salt, as this can further dehydrate you.

Cold and Dry Climates

In cold and dry climates, it’s important to pack snacks that provide sustained energy and warmth. Pack snacks that are high in complex carbohydrates and healthy fats, such as nuts, seeds, and whole-grain crackers. You can also pack warm snacks such as hot chocolate, tea, and soup. Avoid snacks that are high in sugar, as this can cause a quick spike in energy followed by a crash.

snack in the cold hiking

High Altitude Climates

In high altitude climates, it’s important to pack snacks that provide sustained energy and help prevent altitude sickness. Pack snacks that are high in complex carbohydrates and healthy fats, such as nuts, seeds, and whole-grain crackers. You can also pack snacks that are high in iron, such as dried fruit and dark chocolate, to help prevent altitude sickness. Avoid snacks that are high in salt, as this can further dehydrate you at high altitudes.

Remember to always pack enough snacks for the duration of your hike, and to pack snacks that are easy to carry and won’t get crushed in your backpack. Happy hiking!

Different Types Of Snacks

When it comes to hiking, it’s crucial to have the right snacks to keep your energy levels up. Here are some different types of snacks that I recommend for your next hiking adventure:

Slow-Burning Energy Snacks

Slow-burning energy snacks are perfect for longer hikes as they provide sustained energy throughout your trek. These snacks typically consist of carbohydrates, fiber, and protein. Some examples of slow-burning energy snacks include:

  • Trail mix
  • Granola bars
  • Energy bars
  • Nuts and seeds
  • Dried fruits
  • Jerky

Quick-Energy Snacks

Quick-energy snacks are ideal for short hikes or when you need a quick boost of energy. These snacks are typically high in simple carbohydrates, which provide a quick burst of energy. Some examples of quick-energy snacks include:

  • Energy gels
  • Sports drinks
  • Fresh fruits
  • Fruit snacks
  • Candy bars

Combination Snacks

Combination snacks are a mix of slow-burning and quick-energy snacks. These snacks provide a combination of sustained energy and a quick boost when needed. Some examples of combination snacks include:

  • Nut butter and fruit
  • Cheese and crackers
  • Hummus and veggies
  • Beef jerky and trail mix
  • Energy balls made with nuts, seeds, and dried fruit

It’s important to note that everyone’s nutritional needs are different, so it’s essential to choose snacks that work for you. Experiment with different types of snacks to find what works best for your body and your hiking needs.


In summary, hiking snacks are an essential part of any outdoor adventure. They provide the necessary fuel to keep you energized and focused on your journey. Whether you prefer sweet or savory snacks, there are plenty of options to choose from that will satisfy your taste buds and provide the nutrients your body needs.

When selecting hiking snacks, it’s important to consider factors such as calorie density, portability, and shelf life. Nut butter, energy bars, and jerky are all great options that are easy to pack and provide sustained energy. Fruits, vegetables, and trail mix are also excellent choices that provide essential vitamins and minerals.

snacks food hiking trip

It’s important to note that not all hiking snacks are created equal. Some snacks may be high in sugar or sodium, which can lead to a crash later on. It’s always a good idea to read the nutrition label and choose snacks that are low in added sugars and high in protein and fiber.

Overall, with the right preparation and knowledge, you can make your hiking adventures not just more enjoyable but also more successful. By fueling your body with nutritious and delicious snacks, you’ll be able to tackle even the most challenging trails with ease.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are some healthy snacks to bring on a day hike?

When it comes to choosing healthy snacks for day hikes, I recommend packing nutrient-dense options that will provide sustained energy. Some great choices include fresh fruit, raw veggies with hummus or nut butter, trail mix with nuts and seeds, and energy bars made with whole-food ingredients.

What are some high protein snacks that are good for hiking?

Protein is essential for repairing and building muscle tissue, making it an important nutrient for hikers. Some high protein snacks that are good for hiking include beef or turkey jerky, hard-boiled eggs, nut butter packets, and protein bars.

What are some good snacks to bring on a long hike?

For longer hikes, it’s important to pack snacks that are both nutrient-dense and calorie-dense to keep your energy levels up. Some good options include trail mix with dried fruit and nuts, energy bars, jerky, nut butter packets, and dehydrated fruit.

What are the best snacks for hiking in hot weather?

When hiking in hot weather, it’s important to stay hydrated and replenish electrolytes lost through sweat. Some good snacks for hiking in hot weather include fresh fruit with high water content like watermelon or grapes, electrolyte drinks, coconut water, and salty snacks like pretzels or trail mix with salted nuts.

Why are salty snacks a good choice for hiking?

Salty snacks are a good choice for hiking because they help replenish sodium lost through sweat, which is important for maintaining proper hydration and preventing cramping. However, it’s important to balance salty snacks with other nutrient-dense options to avoid consuming too much sodium.

What are some sweet snacks that are good for backpacking?

For backpacking trips, it’s important to pack snacks that are lightweight and easy to carry. Some sweet snacks that are good for backpacking include dried fruit, energy balls made with dates and nuts, fruit leather, and dark chocolate.